About Me

Dalibor Druzinec about me picture

Hi, I’m Dalibor Družinec.

I am the owner of small business and one of your fellow, work from home, freelancers.

I’m a business development professional with a degree of a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Civil Engineering.
As an experienced engineer, I developed the necessary skills to pay attention to details, to communicate with clients, and to observe the world around me.

My passion was always in the IT sector. For the last few years, I focused on being a great stay at home dad and on developing some additional skills in the IT area. I’m still learning on both fronts ;).

Blockchain, WordPress development (speed optimization, SEO, and WP websites creating, are the areas where I’m most passionate now.

If you need an expert for WordPress based website optimization, speed, or SEO, let me know.

I’ll gladly publish the original work of a guest author (it the quality of the work is satisfactory).
Furthermore, if you’d like me to write an article as a guest author on your website – just ask.

Do you have any suggestions?

Feel free to contact me: