Flexjobs review


Is Flexjobs worth it – should you pay a few bucks for its services?

Flexjobs white logo

Flexjobs, as another online jobs finder hub, chose to take a different approach. So, if you want to use their full service, you’ll have to pay it 14.95$ / month.
It’s another conundrum in life, pay so that you can earn?! Sometimes life is funny.
So, do I think is it worth it?
Short answer – Yes. There, I solved it for you, NEXT!

Hence, I’ve been a freelancer for like 5-6 years now (on and off), one could say I’m experienced in job boards. Do you know what is one common thing, the one thing I find annoying on all the job boards out there?
A shitload of scam jobs.

Congratulations you are hired, just send me xxx$ for your equipment/software…
Before we offer you a contract for a permanent position, we’d like you to work a few gigs for free…

Hell no! (imagine the voice of Mr. Samuel L. Jackson here)

Because these job boards have to be user-friendly to attract more traffic & revenues to their respected owners, they often have little or no supervision about what is posted on their job boards.
A lot of them employ policies like you’ll post the job first, and we will take it down later (if the post has been flagged).

I’ve been in situations where the online job post seems ok at first glance, and after a short chat with the author of a job ad, it turns out to be a scam.
Rather than you lose your precious time revealing the job posts as being deceitful or against the TOS, Flexjob has already done it for you.

The golden rule

That’s the part of the service you are paying for if you opt for a premium.
Naturally, no system is perfect. Not when people are involved.
There will always be the possibility of the scam job alert, but it’s kept to a minimum on Flexjobs.
Like anywhere else, if you apply the golden rule – If something appears too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.

Here’s where Flexjobs really shines, they’ve done the legwork for you.

We work with thousands of companies who post flexible jobs directly to our site, but our “super powers” really come from our team of excellent, educated, trained researchers who scour hundreds of online job resources every day (including industry blogs, employer sites, reliable job boards, and more)… so you don’t have to!

source: Flexjobs

Flexjobs is legit – if you are looking for an online job

Not so if you are trying to buy a car…
Bad jokes aside, Flexjobs has been around since 2007.
It was founded by Sara Sutton, in Boulder, Colorado.
It has somewhere between 19-50 employees, at the moment I’m writing this.

Flexjobs find a better way to work infographics
source: Flexjobs

To further tip the scales, you can see above that’s been in major news outlets around the US. Like Forbes, BUSINESS INSIDER, FOX BUSINESS, and many others.

FlexJobs is the leading job search site specializing in the best remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible jobs available. Find a better way to work today!

source: Flexjobs

Finally, they even support the UN!
So, I’ll go on my limb here and claim they are legit and reputable.

source: Flexjobs

Flexjobs online job boards

The main thing in every job boards website, and this is how it looks on Flexjobs:

Flexjobs online job search picture of open positions
source: Flexjobs

UI is easy on the eyes, and the website has a powerful search tool at your disposal. Hence, making it a friendly UX.
Consequently, everything you need to find an online job is there, at your grasp.

Online jobs at it’s premium – at what price?

How much does it cost? Well, it depends.
Here are the regular prices:

Flexjobs premium offer infographics
source: Flexjobs
  • Month-to-month subscription: $14.95/month
  • Three months: $29.95 (/3 = $9.98/month)
  • For a year: $49.95 (/12 = $4.16/month)

I would recommend that you try one month first if you don’t get a job by then – choose between one year, or the three months option.

Sure, the one-year option is the best deal $/month, let us hope you won’t need it that long. Be optimistic.

Seems like they do have a satisfaction guaranteed option, meaning you can ask for your money back within 30 days of creating or renewing a subscription – if you don’t like it.

Flexjobs updated promo code!

At the moment (2021) they are offering the 30% off code for a limited time.

The 30% off promo code is:

For the reason that should be obvious to anyone looking for a job, here on Freelancer Inn, we are always looking for deals that can help our readers.

Finally, here are the new pandemic prices.

Flexjobs pandemic premium offer
source: Flexjobs
  • Month-to-month subscription: $7.50/month
  • Three months: $15.00 (/3 = $5.00/month)
  • For a year: $25.00 (/12 = $2.08/month)

Now, this is what I call a great offer!
I would recommend buying the one-year offer so that you can have peace of mind.
Once again, keep in mind that this offer may not be available for long.

What does the premium buys me?

Firstly, as a regular member, you’ll get your personalized dashboard. In it you can:

  • find new jobs waiting for you
  • track your job search activity
  • easily create your resume profile
  • find new job search resources (videos, guides, articles)

Furthermore, as a premium member, you’ll receive:

  • unlimited access to every job they find
  • free skills testing
  • expert job search tips and resources
  • quick profile process
  • email alerts
  • personalized portfolio
online jobs subs infographics
source: Flexjobs

Are Flexjobs online jobs available internationally?

Probably it’s no surprise that Flexjobs is mostly oriented to the domestic (US) market.
Most noteworthy, they DO OFFER INTERNATIONAL jobs as well! Here’s a link: International Jobs – Remote, Part-Time & Freelance.
While not a big thing, it’s another pointer about the companies effort to go beyond set standards. Sure, one can argue that there are not that many international jobs on there. Small steps, better any than none.
Furthermore, international freelancers looking for an online job will surely be pleased to find something for themselves.

Flexjobs – online jobs – conclusion

Therefore, with this pandemic discount, selected jobs board, international support, I’d recommend Flexjob to anyone who is on the market for finding an online job.

The one thing Flexjobs lack is a working mobile app. Few of the other job board websites have them. And in today’s world where a significant part of traffic comes from mobile phones, this is one thing that they should implement to make their service better.

As an experienced freelancer, with a few years of going through job boards myself, I can recommend Flexjob’s online job board.
Even more, I can firmly state that this website is one of the best online tools you’ll find if you are acquiring work from home.

Finally, those all are the reasons why the Freelancer Inn has listed Flexjobs on the BEST FREELANCE WEBSITES page.


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