Upwork Grant review

An email

Yesterday I received an email from Upwork. They were informing me about their Work Together grant program. 
As you might be aware, most countries around the world have some kind of protection plan to keep COVID-19 effects at bay. A plan, or set of plans, to support their business population. To keep them afloat in these hard times.
Likewise, apart from the fact it’s not a country – Upwork is no different, they too are trying to chip in.  So, I decided to write an Upwork Grant review.

Before we proceed to details, here’s the letter I received from them:

Upwork Grant review let's work together infographics
e-mail from Upwork

Dig a little deeper

Certainly, I was interested. Off we go my dear Watson let’s investigate!
So, I fearlessly clicked on apply and found myself on the form screen. But where are the Terms, the fine print, the clues? We have to find them before signing up.
It’s elementary my dear Watson!
When you scroll down, bellow the form you will find Terms and Conditions of the grant.
It might be smart of you to read it first.

Some important facts from the Terms:

  • The Grant will be awarded from April 27, 2020 (it’s open at the time this article is published)
  • Upwork will announce when funds are exhausted and will attempt to award all Grants by June 30, 2020
  • Grant amounts will typically be between $5,000 USD and $25,000 USD
  • The funds were used as described in the Application and consistent with these Grant Terms
  • The recipient will return any used Grant funds within 30 days of Upwork’s demand that Recipient do so, provided Upwork provides a reasonable basis for its demand.

Therefore, if you do get it, be careful how do you use the grant, stay within the grant terms, or you might be asked to pay it back.

Closing thoughts about the Upwork Grant

Seems like everyone is jumping on a let’s help out train, give their share in a war against COVID-19, and that surely is a good thing. Help thy neighbor, and I’m all for it.

The grant is usable only on Upwork, the funds must be used according to Terms, and you can’t get it out to buy a car or something. Upwork Grant is essentially an Upwork credit that you never need to pay back.

Furthermore, Upwork will waive all associated fees and costs on the Service Contract, including payment processing fees and Freelancer Service Fees.

Somehow, I can’t shake the feeling that the Upwork 1m$ grant is more of a mutually beneficial arrangement.
What I’d like to see from them is their fee for new members reduced from whooping 20%.
New members have the hardest time getting a job, and they could use some love from Upwork.

Surely this is a step in the right direction, and I applaud Upwork on it. Well done!

If anyone needs help with this grant, feel free to comment below, ask me for help. Or comment if you applied for it. I’d like to hear feedback from someone here who got it!

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